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   Off-Road Rollerski - 5 days

Learn to roll through beautiful forests and countryside far away from road traffic

Develop skills that are very relevant for cross-country, nordic bc and alpine skiing

Experience some of Denmarks finest nature by rolling through it on specialized off-road rollerskis


Denmark is an amazing "rollerski country".

This course gives a very thorough introduction to roll off-road through forests and countryside. Thus avoiding roads with car traffic.

To roll through Denmarks idyllic nature is an amazing experience when having the skillset needed to feel condident on these off-road rollerskis.

In addition to creating great nature experiences, it is also a really fun activity that makes you smile automatically when rolling down a steep hill in the woods.

But in order to enjoy this activity to it's fullest a certain level of good technique is needed.

"Good technique" means amongst others, good position/balance, braking technique and good classic and skating technique.

And that is what this course is all about!

Through various excercises and trips to develop overall good ski technique.

The course will then be a mix between doing excercises and being out on trips, but the aim is to be on as many trips as possible in the idyllic nature in the middle of Jutland.

The exact trips will decided based on the weather and the general level in our group.

We will use at least 2 days exploring the great area at Hald Ege. But for the rest of the days it is possible that we are going to other locations such as Rold Skov, Hjermind Skov and Silkeborg skovene.

The days will no matter what feel like quite long days and be very physically demanding. Therefore it is possible that day 3 will be split up into doing rollerskiing exercises on training course before lunch, and after lunch the day will be spent doing sightseeing at cultural historic site.

But day 1-2 and 4-5 will be long days outside on rollerskis.

Therefore it is important to everyday pack a backpack with enough food/drink and warm/waterproof clothing, for being outside the whole day.

Who is this course for

This course is an "in-depth" course, and thus for those who really wants to learn about off-road rollerskiing.


Since this is an advanced course, it is a requirement that all participants do have some experience from either: alpine skis, cross-country skis, BC skis, rollerskis or rollerblades. Exactly how much experience you should have, is a little hard to say precisely, however you should be on a level where you can tackle easy runs and routes in one of the above mentioned disciplines. However, you do not at all have to be a "world champion" or anything close to this. If in doubt about this point, please contact me and let's figure it out.

You will develop skills that are very relevant for cross-country, nordic bc and alpine skiing in a resort.

The rollerskis that we are using on the course, fits onto all kinds of shoes and boots.

Therefore participants do not need to own any specialized equipment in order to participate.

However it is recommended to bring solid running shoes and/or hiking boots.

Further you need to bring your bicycle helmet aswell.

Further it is very recommended to train in advance on your old rollerblades either inliners or classic (if you have such lying at home).

To read a review of the course, follow link below:

Review of the 5 day course


Dates & price

Price 4500 DKK pr. person

Dates 2024:

14-18 October

Max 5 participants

If interested in booking please follow link below:

If you have any questions please contact me:


+47 48604292


The majority of the course will take in the idyllic countryside found at "Hald Ege" which is a nature area close to the historic city of "Viborg", in the middle of Jutland.

We will start the course at the "Hald Ege school".

Therefore it is recommended that participants are booking accomodation relatively close to "Hald Ege".


There are several good alternatives for accomodation very close by, and I will here list them below:

If you should wish to sleep outside in your sleeping bag there is an excellent shelter place close to "Naturskolen ved Hald".


You can also rent cheap rooms at the following places: 

Rooms at Hald Hovedgård

Skelhøje Kulturhus

Stoholm Vandrehjem

Viborg camping

Hostel Viborg

Rindsholm Kro

Further it is possible to rent hotel rooms at the excellent "Hotel Egeskoven", that lies only a 15 minute walk away from our daily starting point.

Rooms at Hotel Egeskoven


The guide can help you book and arrange accomodation if needed.

What is included

  • Instruction from a IVSI ski instructor

  • Rental Off-road rollerskis

  • Rental rollerski poles

  • Rental elbow, knee, hand, hips protectors

What is not included

  • Transport to/from Hald Ege at Viborg, Denmark

  • Accomodation during the course

  • Food, snacks, water for all days

  • Transportation during the course. It is possible to coordinate transport between us for a lot of the days. 

  • Backpack (has to be big enough to contain water, food, snacks for a full day outside)

  • Warm and waterproof clothing for being outside a full day in 0 - 10 degrees celcius weather

  • Solid running/walking shoes or hiking boots

  • Bicycle helmet

  • Entrance fees for historic sites (not for sure)

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